Time for Me, She, Her (Spouse Relationship Lessons)

Before I met my boyfriend, I was single for 7 years. I dated from here to there, but nothing as serious as now. While I did long to have a companion beside me to do things with, and share moments/time with… One thing I did learn to appreciate is how to enjoy time with just ME.

Even though I already spent a lot of time with just me, because I lived alone, I enjoyed it. I would light candles, my fireplace (when I had one) and snuggle on my couch and watch movies that made me laugh or smile. Now that I am in a relationship, I still haven’t lost that part of myself.

Alone time 010

Whenever my boyfriends says “Babe, I’m gonna go hang out, be back in a few hours”, I light up inside. I immediately imagine myself snuggled up on the couch, with candles lite, drinking some spiced chai with cookies, and watching a movie and just enjoying….. me, she, her time. And before I know it, time flies by and he’s home again, I like that part too.


Lesson: You should learn to love and enjoy time with yourself. This way you’re not always relying on your partner to MAKE you happy. Happiness comes from within.